Sophia loves using her utensils....some nights she wont eat much until we give her a fork or a spoon to eat with. Her aim is still not that great, but she sure is proud when she skewers something!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
18 months

This past week Sophia turned 18 months old. She is becoming such a big girl! Sophia loves to talk and is so chatty. She definitely has over 100 words now. She knows most animals and animal sounds, body parts, please and thank you, trouble, happy, sad, and love you. She has started to say people's names and when she picks up the phone she says talk and hello. In the past 2 weeks she has started putting 2 words together to make a sentence. Most of the time it's "more food" or whatever particular food she wants. But when she bumped her head she said "boo boo head". When she gets a boo boo she says kiss and wants us to give her a kiss to make it feel better.
Sophia is very active now. She walks, runs, and climbs all over the furniture and up and down the stairs. She tries to jump, but is really just bending her knees bouncing up and down. But she looks so proud of herself because she thinks she's really jumping! She is very independent now and won't let us feed her anymore. She uses silverware and can get it to her mouth, but has trouble getting the food on the fork or spoon. She still loves to eat but has definitely gotten picky. She'll let us know what she wants to eat and tells us no if she doesn't want it. Her favorites are most fruits (mangos, blueberries, grapes, watermelon), pretzels, snacks ("nak" anything out of the pantry), corn, and cheese.
Playing in her "house" with her friend Joshua

Playing in her "house" with her friend Joshua

She is obsessed with The Wiggles "wih wih" and it's the only tv show she'll watch. She loves anything with elmo "elbow" on it. She likes to give hugs and especially kisses all the time. She likes to play peek a boo and will hide behind her hands and then open them up and say "peek!" She loves music and dancing. She is a great helper: she likes to put toys in a basket and after each one will say good job "jahbah" to herself. She loves her stuffed animals. She has a bear upstairs and one downstairs that she asks for and carries around when we're on that floor. She'll look around for it and say bear "beer". Her bunny that she sleeps with is named hop or foo foo, depending on her mood. Sophia is doing great at school and doesn't cry anymore when I leave her there. She is going to have a blast when she starts going 2 days a week in January. Sophia loves to be silly and is always trying to make us laugh. She won't smile for pictures anymore unless it's her silly cheese smile.
18 month stats:
Height: 32 3/4 in = 80%
Weight: 26 lb 10 oz = 80%
Thursday, December 16, 2010
More Hanukkah 2010
During Hanukkah every year, we have a family Hanukkah party. All of my aunts, uncles, and cousins get together for lunch and so the kids can exchange presents. Sophia had fun with all of her cousins and was very excited to see cousin Levi who is about her age. She really understands the concept of opening presents this year and had so much fun ripping into them to see what was inside.
Family photo with a serious Sophia

Being silly with Mommy

Opening a gift

It's a shopping cart! So cool!

Opening more presents

So many fun toys

Another gift Sophia got this year was a wagon! As Daddy was putting it together, Sophia was climbing inside wanting to go for a ride. Even though it was freezing out, we decided to take Sophia for a quick ride. She loves it!

Family photo with a serious Sophia

Being silly with Mommy

Opening a gift

It's a shopping cart! So cool!

Opening more presents

So many fun toys

Another gift Sophia got this year was a wagon! As Daddy was putting it together, Sophia was climbing inside wanting to go for a ride. Even though it was freezing out, we decided to take Sophia for a quick ride. She loves it!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
First Night of Hanukkah
For the first night of Hanukkah, we had a nice family dinner at our cousin's house. We ate lots of delicious food and then lit the candles and exchanged presents. Sophia loves hanging out with her big cousins, and had so much fun playing with them.
Holding hands with Cousin Ben

Opening her present

So excited about her new toy!

Reading her cards made by her cousins

Chasing the cat around

"Hot, hot"

Playing Allan's guitar

When we got home, Sophia got another Hanukkah present...her new kitchen from Nana and Pop! When she saw the kitchen, her face lit up! She had so much fun checking everything out and opening and closing all of the doors. This is one of her favorite Hanukkah presents this year!
Talking on the phone

Opening the freezer
Holding hands with Cousin Ben

Opening her present

So excited about her new toy!

Reading her cards made by her cousins

Chasing the cat around

"Hot, hot"

Playing Allan's guitar

When we got home, Sophia got another Hanukkah present...her new kitchen from Nana and Pop! When she saw the kitchen, her face lit up! She had so much fun checking everything out and opening and closing all of the doors. This is one of her favorite Hanukkah presents this year!
Talking on the phone

Opening the freezer

Friday, December 3, 2010
The Pink Pig

This week Sophia went on her second annual ride on the Pink Pig at Lenox Mall. I knew going in, she would either love it or hate it. And she loved it! The first time Sophia, Mommy, and Nana all rode together. Then Sophia had one turn with Mommy and the next turn with Nana. When we started going, Sophia said "whee!" and each time the train stopped she said "more, more".
Looking at all of the decorations
Riding with Mommy
Riding with Nana
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010

This year we spent Thanksgiving with the Rothberg/Molinari family in Vermont and Connecticut. Our first day in Vermont we hung around the house with Uncle Michael's family and Nonna and Nonno. It was cold outside, so Sophia bundled up before going for a walk.
Nice and warm

Running around

This is fun!


Riding the tractor

The next day was Thanksgiving Day. We all drove to Connecticut to Chamard Vineyards (Uncle Jonathan's vineyard) for a nice lunch with all of the family.
Having appetizers before the meal

The huge table for 40 people

The table starting to fill up

Daddy, Mommy, and Sophia

Sophia and cousin Max eating lunch


After Thanksgiving, we drove back to Vermont to spend a few more days there relaxing and hanging out with the family. Sophia had a great Thanksgiving and so much fun hanging out with all of her aunts, uncles and cousins!
Roasting marshmallows with Mommy

Mmmm...delicious s'mores!

Do you think I liked it??

Snuggling with Tante Judi

Happy baby in the morning

Bath time!

Catching bubbles

Breakfast with Daddy and some of the cousins


Justin, Judi, Daddy, Andrew and Sophia

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