So excited to be 7 months old!

Sophia is a great eater, and loves her solid foods. Her new foods this month included avocado, green beans, squash, pears, bananas, zucchini, and peaches. And she loves them all! She absolutely loves to eat banana in her mesh feeder, and gets mad when we touch it and she isn't through! Mommy sometimes even breaks off a little piece of her banana and feeds it to Sophia. We also introduced the sippy cup, and discovered that Sophia does not like water! She will only drink from it if there is a splash of apple juice mixed in. This month, we put Sophia in a high chair at a restaurant instead of in her car seat for the first time. She really enjoyed sitting up and being able to look around!
Where's my food???

Eating banana in her mesh feeder

Sitting in a restaurant high chair for the first time

Sophia loves to smile her huge smile at people, but still is hesitant to go to strangers. She likes tummy time because she can push up really high, and can reach for toys on her tummy now too. She even started sitting up on her own this month! She is becoming a pro, and reaches for toys around her, but sometimes still loses her balance. When we put things on top of her head, Sophia puts her hands up and pulls it off. At the end of the month, we noticed that when we point to someone or something, Sophia looks at where we are pointing instead of looking at our finger. She's gotten much more into her toys, and plays with all of the toys on her exersaucer and jumperoo now. Her favorite toys are her puppy Violet that says her name, her alligator piano, and Sophie the giraffe.
Such a big girl!

Sophia loves to read with Daddy