Checking out the beach

She loved climbing on the chair


Playing with her toys in the sand

Fun at the beach

Walking with mommy

Sophia really enjoyed floating around the pool in her float. She loved to play with her toys, and liked watching the other kids in the pool. Her favorite was when daddy hid under water and then came up and surprised her. She thought it was so funny!
Looking at the water/drinking the water

Where is daddy???

There he is! Ha ha ha

Kicking and splashing

Flying through the air

Playing with Aunt Jennifer

Chilling in her float

Sophia had so much fun hanging out with her Nana, Pop, and Aunt Jennifer this week. She loved playing, swimming, eating, laughing, and just spending time with all of you! She can't wait to do it again next year!
Upside down with Pop

Hugs from Nana

Eating cereal with a spoon!
(Some of it made it in to her mouth....)

Sophia and Mommy