Now that Sophia is a year old, we have stopped our monthly updates and will do official updates and pictures every 3 months when we have our pediatrician checkups. However, so much has changed since Sophia turned 1 year old that I think we need a 13 1/2 month update. Sophia is at such a fun stage right now...there is never a dull moment. She is such a goofball, and loves to make us laugh. If she is not getting enough attention, she will yell or squeal, or do something to make sure we pay attention to her.
Swinging with Brady

Upside down!

Such a goof

About a week ago Sophia figured out how to use her walker to get around. At first she had a Frankenstein-like walk, but now she is getting much better at using her "walk along". She has been furniture cruising for a while now, and will go from one piece of furniture to another. I think it won't be too long before she starts walking on her own! She has been able to pull herself up to standing for a while now, but just recently started standing up without pulling up on anything.
So proud of herself!

Sophia has also started to say a few words. For over a month now, she has been pointing to things and saying "that". She has also been saying "yay" when we clap and cheer for her and "yummm" when she is eating...although it's sometimes when she's trying to convince herself that the food actually tastes good! When I tell Sophia no, she tells me "no no no" back. In the past couple of days, when I tell her something is hot, she says "hot" back to me, although I'm not sure that she understands the meaning of the word. I'm pretty sure she has been saying "dog" when I give her a toy dog to play with, but I'm not counting it as an official word quite yet. She understands so much that we say now, and understands new words after hearing them only a couple of times.
Sophia loves to dance and will bounce up and down when music comes on. She also swings her arms up and down to a lot of songs, like we do for the intro to songs at The Music Class. She loves when we say "How big is Sophia?" and she throws her arms up in the air to do "So big!". She is very loving, and loves giving kisses. She especially loves to kiss her baby doll and toys. She points to everything to show us, or to let us know when she wants something and loves to clap her hands. And she has finally cut one of her top middle teeth- #7!
Listening to music and reading Pat the Bunny

Snuggles with Mommy
