This year we spent Thanksgiving with the Rothberg/Molinari family in Vermont and Connecticut. Our first day in Vermont we hung around the house with Uncle Michael's family and Nonna and Nonno. It was cold outside, so Sophia bundled up before going for a walk.
Nice and warm

Running around

This is fun!


Riding the tractor

The next day was Thanksgiving Day. We all drove to Connecticut to Chamard Vineyards (Uncle Jonathan's vineyard) for a nice lunch with all of the family.
Having appetizers before the meal

The huge table for 40 people

The table starting to fill up

Daddy, Mommy, and Sophia

Sophia and cousin Max eating lunch


After Thanksgiving, we drove back to Vermont to spend a few more days there relaxing and hanging out with the family. Sophia had a great Thanksgiving and so much fun hanging out with all of her aunts, uncles and cousins!
Roasting marshmallows with Mommy

Mmmm...delicious s'mores!

Do you think I liked it??

Snuggling with Tante Judi

Happy baby in the morning

Bath time!

Catching bubbles

Breakfast with Daddy and some of the cousins


Justin, Judi, Daddy, Andrew and Sophia