Trying on Mommy's rain boots

Laughing from Daddy's tickles

One of the days, I decided to try baking with Sophia. She loves to watch Daddy cook, but she's never actually helped cook. We decided to make chocolate muffins. I measured out the ingredients and let Sophia pour them in the bowl. She helped mix everything up, and watched as I spooned the batter into the muffin tins. She watched the muffins bake through the window of the oven, and when they were done she got to taste them! Yum!
Mixing up the liquid ingredients

Stirring everything together

Watching the muffins bake

Look what I made!

Mmmm...I'm a good cook!

Being so silly

Later that day, we decided to get out the art supplies and do some art together. She loved coloring with the markers and using the do a dots. She also liked touching them with her fingers and seeing how the color rubbed off on her skin.
Sophia's masterpiece