Sophia and William's Nonno and Nonna visited for the week of William's bris. Sophia was so excited to see them and had a great time getting lots of attention. She would make them push her on her swing set for hours! Of course Nonna and Nonno happily obliged!
Nonna and Nonno with their FAVORITE grandkids:) Sophia was squirming to get out, but Nonna's iron grip was able to keep her at least for the duration of the picture.
Nonno and William. Nonno made his usual funny faces, oddly William appeared unamused.
It appears Nonno was trying to camouflage into the sofa.
Nonna and William. William actually seemed to be looking at and paying attention to Nonna!
All the male descendants of G. Molinari, all in 1 place. A pretty rare occurrence!
Sophia loved playing with her cousin Luca in her house on the porch.
Sophia and cousin Max loving on cousin/brother Luca.
Sophia would swing all afternoon if someone stayed to push her. Nonno lasted longer than most at her favorite activity!
Sliding might be her 2nd favorite activity. I think at this point Nonno was worn out from pushing her on the swing.
We're so glad Nonna and Nonno made the long trip from Italy ! We can't wait for them to come visit again soon; Sophia wouldn't stop asking where they were the day after they left.