In the past month, William seems like he has grown up so much! At 5 1/2 months, William had his first solid food. We started with rice cereal and moved on to oatmeal. At 6 months we are starting him on fruits and vegetables. He absolutely loves his cereal, and took to it very quickly. He even cries when it's gone! We took out the Jumperoo about halfway through the month, and he is a great jumper already! At the end of the month, William started to tripod. He still isn't very steady, but is getting stronger every day.
William's favorite book is If I Were a Cow, and he starts giggling when he sees it. He also loves the song The Noble Duke of York and laughs hysterically through the whole thing. He especially likes it at gym class when we're bouncing on the trampoline.
6 month stats:
Height- 27 inches (69%)
Weight- 16 lbs 2 oz (24%)
William is tall and skinny like his daddy!
William's first time eating solids (5.5 months)
He loves his rice cereal!
First time swimming
William loves kisses from Sophia
Tripoding! Just started last week
He loves sitting up and looking around
William's favorite toy is his Jumperoo