William is 9 months old and into everything! He is definitely more active than Sophia was at 9 months, and is curious about everything. I have started calling him my little troublemaker. He started army crawling halfway through the month and since then there's no stopping him! He crawls over to boxes and pulls his upper body up to look inside and take things out. He crawls around the room to get to toys, and even crawls out the door of his room or playroom. He loves to tear books and paper, play with his toy house, the baby doll strollers, plays with the door stops in every room, as well as the air vents on the wall. He wants anything that his big sister has.
At the beginning of the month, he started babbling a lot. He started with dadada and mamama and has added several others since. He cut his second tooth, and has started having some tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants. He likes to blow raspberries and click with his tongue and he has a faker cry when he wants attention.
The second half of the month he started having separation anxiety. He is (finally!) sleeping all the way through the night and he figured out how to clap his hands. He tried many more foods this month....apricots, pumpkin, lentils, rice, potato, corn, butternut squash, sorbet, asparagus, watermelon, and many more. We give him some of our dinner every night, as long as it's milk and soy free, and he now prefers finger food to purees. At the very end of the month we started testing him with yogurt and he seems to be doing well. Cheese, on the other hand, was a major fail. We will try again when he is older!
9 month stats:
Height: 29 1/4 in (74%) - time to move him to a bigger car seat!
Weight: 18 lbs 11 oz (21%)
Going for a bike ride
William hanging with the ladies (Addie and Abigail)
Fun in the playroom
William is a ladies man (Eden and William)
Happy boy
Practicing army crawling