Sophia is 2 months old! Actually, she is really 2 months and 1 week now, but I was waiting for her 2 month checkup so I could post her "stats" too. She is getting more alert by the day, and is awake for an hour or so after each bottle now. She still loves her swing and has fun on her gymini as well. During tummy time she likes checking herself out in the mirror, and loves to lay on her back and look up at the star with the flashing lights and music. She is sleeping really well and usually has about a 5 hour stretch of sleep which is great for mommy and daddy! In the past few days, Sophia has definitely given us a few real smiles! She was really focused on daddy's face and smiled a few times in a row. No gas involved :)
Sophia loves to eat and is getting so big! At her 2 month appointment she weighed 10 lbs 2 oz and is 22 inches long. She is in the 26th% for weight and the 28th% for height. Lots of growing since last month! She had to get 1 oral immunization (which she thought was yummy!) and 4 shots today. She didn't like those, but the Toot Sweet (sugar water) helped her feel better pretty quickly. Here are her 2 month pictures and a couple of other recent pictures so you can get your fill of Sophia cuteness...
Yay! I'm 2 months old today!

I think the flower is my favorite.

Her favorite toy, the swing. Yes, that really is a cow swimming with her other sea creatures.

Sleeping in the same position as Daddy
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