This past month has been a busy one for Sophia! This month we made some new friends and started attending baby story time at the library and playgroup at the JCC. Sophia loves her new friends Brady and Lacey. Early in the month, we switched Sophia from a swaddle blanket to her sleep sack and she has done a great job. At the same time we (finally) moved her from the bassinet in our room into her crib! She is now truly sleeping through the night (7:30 or 8 until 5 or 6, and then goes back to sleep for an hour or two). She has started talking a lot more, and making lots of different noises, instead of the same sound over and over. Sophia loves to study and play with her hands these days, and tries to fit her whole fist in her mouth. Sometimes she tries to fit them both in at the same time! She's started batting at, and grabbing her toys, and really pulls down on them on her gymini. She loves her exersaucer, but is not very steady in it yet. We have also noticed that Sophia LOVES the television. She cranes her neck to see it from the floor where she is playing. We will sometimes let her watch for a few minutes, just to get her to keep doing tummy time for a little bit longer.
At Sophia's 4 month appt yesterday, she weighed 12 lbs 14oz (30th%) and was 23 3/4 in long (27th%). She had to get 4 shots, and was not a happy camper! We got the ok to start feeding her solid food, but we're going to wait at least until she is a true 4 month old (another 5 1/2 weeks).
Sophia didn't want to cooperate when we were taking her 4 month pictures, so I'll post the best one we got. Here are a few other pictures from the past month too.
Yay! I'm 4 months old!

Grabbing the monkey

Watching the star on her gymini

Doing tummy time and watching tv!

Playing in her bouncy seat

Hanging out with Pop
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