This month she started really laughing! Before, we could tickle her to make her laugh, but she now laughs when we do silly things or make funny faces at her. She especially likes it when I pretend to sneeze! In the beginning of the month, she figured out how to put her thumb in her mouth, but would just chew on it when she got it in. Now she really sucks on it which mommy and daddy try to discourage! She started rice cereal later in the month and really seems to enjoy it. She eats it up so fast, we sometimes have to make her more! And finally, on her 5 month birthday, Sophia rolled over....twice! She has yet to repeat it, but we are practicing a lot, and know she will soon be rolling across the floor. She also just started to have stranger anxiety. If anyone besides mommy or daddy hold her, she cries and cries. Hopefully by this time next month we will have our easy going baby back.
Here are a few pictures from the last month. And our first smiling 'month' picture!
5 months old!

Leaving on our first road trip
Sleeping in the car on the way
Nice and clean after her bath

Happy baby!