Sophia can't wait for Halloween!
Lacey, Brady and Sophia at playgroup

On Halloween, we dressed Sophia up and tried to get some pictures. Whenever she sees the camera, she stares at it and stops smiling! But we managed to get one picture of her smiling in her costume. We took her to our next door neighbors house and rang the doorbell to pretend we were trick or treating. Then Sophia's friend Brady and his mommy and daddy came over. We pushed the babies around the neighborhood and watched the other trick or treaters until it started raining. Then we came back and handed out candy to all the big kids that came by. We can't wait for next Halloween when Sophia can really trick or treat with her friends!
Sophia with the pumpkins we picked out at the pumpkin patch

Finally smiling in her costume!

Trick or treat!

Going for a walk in our neighborhood

Posing with the pumpkin

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