This past weekend, Sophia turned 9 months old! She loves to talk and her favorite sounds this month were da da da and ba ba ba. She still likes to yell, especially when we are out in public. This month she finally started rolling to get around. When she sees something she wants, she does a combination of rolling, rotating, and pushing herself backwards until she gets there. She seems to be getting close to crawling. She can get up on her knees and rocks a bit, but usually ends up face planting when she lunges forward. At the end of the month, she started trying to pull up on things. She loves to stand, especially in the bathtub!
Standing! (We had to tape the sign this month because all
she wants to do is crumble the paper)

She tried several new foods this month including some spices. Her new foods were barley, kiwi, greens puffs (collard greens and kale), chicken, lemon, pizza crust, white rice, blueberries, cheerios, freeze dried fruit, garlic, nutmeg, and corriander. She was not a fan of the jarred chicken, but loves fresh chicken, especially when she can pick it up and feed herself. She has had several meals with just finger food that she has eaten by herself!
Gorilla face

Sophia loves attention, and now has a fake laugh and fake smile (see pic below) that she uses to get it! She loves to drop things so we have to pick them up for her. Her favorite toys are her cell phone, toys with buttons to press, touch and feel books, anything she can shake or put in her mouth, and her jumperoo. She finally figured out how to jump and it is her absolute favorite thing to do! She loves it so much she even fell asleep jumping the other day! A couple of weeks ago, Sophia got her first tooth! It's getting pretty big now, and a second one cut through over the weekend.
9 month stats:
Weight: 18 lb 10 oz (48%)
Height: 28 in (66%)
Head: 43 cm (23%)
Happy baby in her exersaucer (real smile)

So silly!

Wheee! Flying with nonno

Playing with Tante and the cousins

At the park on a pretty day

Playdate with Olivia and Zachary (fake smile)

Fun with Aunt Jennifer

Hugs from Pop