For Memorial Day weekend, we finally made a trip up to Connecticut and New York to visit Zio Gioel and his family. We were all excited to visit everyone, but were especially excited to meet Sophia's new cousin, baby Max! For the first couple of days, we went to their beautiful house in Connecticut. We ate lots of yummy food prepared by Zio Gioel and Sophia had a lot of time to play with her cousins.
Cousin hugs!


Baby Max has big feet!


On our way back to New York, we stopped at Jason's Aunt Celia's house for Pa's birthday party! Sophia got to meet many of Daddy's aunts, uncles, and cousins for the first time, and got to see Grandma and Pa too. Cousin Simone took Sophia swimming in the pool and she had a blast!
Mommy snuggles

In spalla

Swimming with cousin Simone

Floating on the raft with cousin Luca

Aunt Ronni and baby Max

Grandma and Pa

Blowing out the candles!

Sophia eating her new favorite food

For the last 2 days of our trip, we stayed in New York City. Sophia had a lot more play time with her cousins, and by the end of the trip, was a pro at crawling on her knees. She got to go eat some yummy New York pizza, and had fun taking a bath with her cousins too!
About to eat some NY Pizza

Bath time with the cousins!

Luca wetting Sophia's hair

Thanks so much for having us Zio Gioel and Aunt Ronni! We had a blast!