Sophia is 1 year old! Wow, this last year has flown by. Sophia has grown and changed so much in the past year, and is becoming more of a little person than the baby we still want to see her as.
She still loves to eat, and now that she is 1 she can have anything except for nuts and shellfish. And she has really tried just about everything at this point! Last month a few of the new foods she tried were strawberries, grapefruit, egg whites, jackfruit, raspberries, ice cream and salmon. And she loved them all. Sophia has also gotten very good at taking bites of food by herself. We will cut a long piece of watermelon or cheese toast and she can pick it up to take bites. We are officially transitioning her from formula to milk, but are taking it slowly to make sure her tummy can handle it.
Eating with chopsticks

Sophia is now a pro at crawling on her knees. She is super fast now, and crawls from the family room to the playroom, and will quickly crawl out of her room and down the hall if we leave the door open. She started pointing this month, and loves to point at anything and everything. But she has now learned that she can point to tell me that she wants something. The funniest is when she is finished with her meal, she will point to where the cookies (teething biscuits) are hidden on the table to let me know that she wants one! About halfway through the month, she started pulling herself up on things. At first she had to put a lot of her weight onto the furniture to get up. But now she can pull up on things above her head. She is always standing up in her crib, but then gets upset because she can't figure out how to sit back down most of the time!
Getting the mail

Sophia still doesn't say any words, but can understand many things in English and Italian. When I sternly tell her no, she understands not to do something, and will sometimes even shake her head no. She also likes to shake her head no at random because she knows we think it is funny. Sophia is definitely an entertainer, and loves to be the center of attention.
Checking out the firetruck
Her official 1 year stats are:
21 lbs 14 oz (65%)
30 inches (79%)
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