The first day there, we were adjusting to the time change. After everyone took a little nap, we walked around town and went to play at the playground.
Having fun swinging!

Riding the seahorse with Mommy

See saw

The next day we drove to a nearby town for a delicious lunch on the lake. Sophia enjoyed eating outside (especially Daddy's snail dish!) and looking at Lago Maggiore and all of the boats and birds.
Our view from the restaurant

Wearing Mommy's sunglasses

Drinking nonno's beer (obviously it was empty!)

Nonna, Sophia, and Nonno

Mommy and Sophia by the lake

The next day, Sophia got to meet her bisnonna (great grandmother) for the first time! She came up to the house to visit, and we had a nice meal out on the patio.
Clapping with nonno

Daddy, Sophia, and bisnonna

Dov'e' il naso?

Lunch outside

Next stop..... the beach in Sardegna!
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