Kitty cat Sophia

Checking out the flamingos

Sophia and her monkey friend

Holding hands!

Taking a break

On the merry go round with Mommy

That weekend we also went to a pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkin and take some pictures. Sophia loved walking around and checking out all the pumpkins and gourds. She also did some coloring and spin art with Mommy. Then we went to a little petting zoo down the street. Sophia loved looking at and touching all of the animals with Daddy.
I like this one!

Can I have all of these too?

Family picture

Silly scarecrows

Petting the bunny

Poking the chicken in the eye

She then wore her costume to music class for our last class of the session. Sophia had fun singing, dancing, and playing with instruments.
Checking out Colin in his clown costume
Yay! So excited for music to start!
Shaking her bells
Playing with sticks
Later in the week, we had a play date with Sophia's class at school and all the kids dressed up in their halloween costumes.
The Goldfish Gang: Sophia, Brady, Lacey, Levi, Jason

Sophia and her cousin Levi

Lacey, Brady, and Sophia

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