At 21 months, Sophia seems so grown up! She is full of energy and always entertaining. She loves to be the center of attention, and if you're not paying attention to her she will get an inch from your face and say "Hi, hi, hi" until you acknowledge her.
Sophia loves to read and sing. She likes to sit on the sofa and look through books herself, and will not go to bed at night without reading. A couple of her books, Goodnight moon, I Spy Hearts, and a few others, she will even "help" read! If we read the first few words on a page, she can tell us what comes next. She is constantly singing too. She doesn't know all the words, but loves to sing "Ditsy Ditsy Spider", ABCs, Twinkle twinkle, Wheels on the bus, the "Motzi", and Bim bam.
Reading with Aunt Jenn


She is obsessed with baby dolls and loves to change their diapers. Her baby has a potty that she likes to put her on. She climbs in or under anything and calls it a house. Under my legs, under the desk, into her tent, under a table. She is constantly asking to watch tv, but is over the Wiggles. She is now obsessed with Dora, and thanks to Dora has added a dance move to her repertoire. She loves to dance to the "we did it" dance and twists her body back and forth with her arms bent.
Sophia is talking a lot, and has started making 2 and 3 word sentences pretty consistently. She now understands the difference between you vs. me. When she wants to be picked up and we say no, she tries to trick us and puts her arms up and says snuggle ("shuggle"). She recognizes something about our neighborhood from the street and every time we pull up to the entrance Sophia yells "Home!".
She is still super loving and loves to give hugs and kisses, but has definitely started the terrible twos in the past few weeks. She has started having some tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants and has been in time out a handful of times. She's gotten more particular about food and refuses to have something on her plate that she doesn't like. She's started throwing food when she doesn't want it on her tray.
All bundled up on a snow day

Napping with Daddy out of town

My little girl, all grown up