Giving baby Max kisses

Kisses for Aunt Ronni

Helping Max eat his bottle

The next day we went to the synagogue's Purim carnival. Sophia is still a little young for most of the games, but there were still several activities for her to do. She made a princess crown with Daddy, rode the train around the parking lot, ate lunch, and saw a bunch of her friends.
Doing art with Daddy

Wearing her cool crown she made

Choo choo! Going for a ride on the train

That night her friend Olivia came over to play. It's so much fun to watch the girls together now that they can interact with each other. Sophia shared all of her toys, but their favorite was the swing and slide. They pushed each other in the swing and took turns running around and going down the slide on their bellies.
Sophia pushing Olivia

Sophia's turn!

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