Sophia is now halfway potty trained! She goes pee pee on the potty and even wears underwear! She has great manners and is always saying please, thank you, excuse me, and I'm sorry. She's super loving and loves to give hugs and kisses. She always wants to hug her friends and hold their hands. She is very helpful around the house, and loves to bring things to Mommy and Daddy. She is not a fan of cleaning up her toys and clean up time can often result in a melt down. She loves anything that is Mommy and Daddy's (She stole my phone in the picture below. She also snuck a sip of my Diet Coke when I was upstairs getting William out of bed). Sophia is always reading, singing, and dancing.
Took Mommy's cell phone

"Checking her email"

Wearing Daddy's apron

Sophia sandwich!

Sophia's 2 1/2 year stats:
Height: 38 inches - 93%
Weight: 31 lbs 10 oz - 79%
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