Our baby boy is 4 months old! William has become a very good night time sleeper, but still not the best napper. He's still waking up once to eat, but goes to sleep at about 7:00 so that's not surprising. He's getting better at tummy time, but still doesn't want to push up with his arms yet. He loves to eat his hands and pull Mommy and Sophia's hair. He loves kisses on his cheeks and on his belly. He's gotten very good at grabbing the toys on his play mat, and is starting to hold toys that we give him for a few minutes. He watches everything, and especially likes to look at his big sister. He really likes his touch and feel books at bedtime, and likes us to help him feel the different textures.
4 month stats:
Height: 25 inches - 54%
Weight: 14 lbs- 32%
Eating his Sophie teether

Singing into Sophia's microphone

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