This past month was an active one for Sophia. At the beginning of the month, she learned how to sit herself up from a laying down position. She has been practicing her army crawl and is very fast now, and a few times has even crawled a short distance on her knees. She also figured out how to pull herself up to a standing position. There are still many things she hasn't tried to pull up on, but is a pro on the playroom futon and the chair and ottoman at Grandma's house.
Mid army crawl

Sophia cut her 3rd and 4th teeth this month, on the top, second ones over. When we ask her where the light is (in English and in Italian), she looks up and points. Her favorite things to play with are her activity tables, opening and closing the microwave, doors, and drawers, the trash in the office trash can (only pieces of paper!), and tearing apart magazines. With all of the toys we buy for her, her favorites are the things she isn't supposed to have! Sophia loves to "share" her food with Mommy, loves her swim lessons and throwing herself off the wall into the water, and has started giving kisses! They are the sweetest!
Reaching for her activity table

Playing with the trash

Splashing with her friends from the neighborhood

Playing with Colin

This month we started ordering Sophia food at restaurants when we go out. A few of the yummy new foods she tried this month are Yoforia, turkey bean chili, yogurt melts (favorite!), grilled cheese (also a favorite!), fish, cheeseburgers, macaroni and cheese, bbq pork, and pancakes. Since she got sick at the beginning of the month, Sophia has been a very picky eater. What happened to my baby who ate anything and everything?? She spits out any food that she doesn't like, and is very anti vegetable right now.
Eating a bite of Daddy's pizza

Having lunch with her bff Olivia