When we first get in the pool, Sophia gets in a noodle to float around and play before the lesson starts.

Then we sing some songs and Sophia practices floating on her back.

After that, we go over to the wall and practice jumping in and then grabbing onto the wall. Every time she jumps in she closes her eyes and scrunches up her face to brace herself for the water.

This time was Sophia's first time gliding under water! She did great!
Swimming to Ms. Pat

Kisses from Mommy when she was done

Then we went back over to the wall and practiced jumping in and rolling onto her back. The first couple of times I had to pull Sophia's arms so she'd come in the water, but after that she was trying to jump in before I even had time to move back from the wall!
On the wall, ready to go!

Jumping in by herself (eyes closed, face scrunched!)

That was so much fun! Let's do it again!

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