Earlier this week, Sophia, Nana, and I went to Valdosta to visit Sophia's great grandmother. We had so much fun visiting, and Sophia was wonderful. She loved playing with all of Grandma's toys, and became very good at pulling herself up on furniture! While we were there, we had a play date with cousin Julia, and even got to celebrate Julia's first birthday with her! At Julia's birthday dinner, Sophia tasted birthday cake for the first time. The first bite she almost spit out, but then she decided it wasn't too bad and ending up eating about half of the piece. Sophia loved playing with one of Julia's toys, so Julia let her borrow it for the rest of her visit! Sophia had a blast playing with it. Thanks Julia!
Wearing Mommy's sunglasses in the car

Emptying the diaper bag is so much fun!

Playing with cousin Julia

Kisses from Grandma

More kisses from Nana

Playing with the toy she borrowed from Julia

Pulled herself up!
she actually looks like your mom in the picture where she's wearing the sunglasses!