When we were in Italy, William turned 10 months old. This past month he has become a very busy little boy! He is very active and likes to get around the room and check everything out. He is still army crawling, but has gotten very fast! He tried a lot of new foods this month....eggs, soy, lemongrass, tomatoes, and started eating all table foods. We tried cheese this month and he screamed for an hour and a half straight, so we are holading off on that for a little longer. He gets a sippy cup with meals, and can tilt it up and drink it by himself. We also switched him to the convertible car seat because he outgrew his infant one. William has so much hair, he got his second and third hair cuts this month!
The second half of the month, William took his first trip to Italy! (Pictures coming soon!) While we were there, he started pulling himself up to standing. He also started to sit up from a laying down position. He's getting up on his knees, but still not crawling on them. He cut his third tooth after a few days of major crankiness (top tooth, second one over on the left). He loves to give high fives and waves when you say hi or bye. One of his favorite activities is taking every toy out of his toy basket.
Likes to feed himself with his spoon
Standing at his activity table
Happy boy!
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