Last month we all took a nice vacation to Italy to visit Nonno and Nonna, relax, and hang out. We spent almost the whole time there in Gignese, a small mountain village where Nonna and Nonno have a beautiful house. It was much cooler than Milan and we have a fantastic time, thanks so much for hosting all of us!
This year Aunt Ronni and Zio Gioel went at about the same time we did with Cousin Luca and Cousin Max, which was great for Sophia and William to have kids to play with. Add to that Zia Micol visiting from London for a weekend and the house sure was full!
Our days were pretty much non stop! Every morning we'd get up bright and early (neither Sophia nor William slept late any day!) and have breakfast with Nonno, Aunt Ronni, Counsin Max, and Nonna. Cousin Luca would wake up soon after and join us.
After breakfast number one, we'd walk the 100' to the cafe' for breakfast number 2, and have a nice cappuccino. The kids would all have either steamed milk with cocoa on top, or a juice, and a brioche. Yum!
The 2 cappuccini and brioche made Daddy extra strong!
After that we'd either do stuff around the little town of Gignese or go to the club to swim. Everyone would nap in the afternoon and then we'd usually go to the park after naps.
This was Williams first international flight, he even got to sleep in an airplane bassinet! This lasted all of about 1 hour until he tried to roll over and he woke up.
Sophia was an old pro, having gone a couple years ago.
William was really excited to see Nonna and Nonno again!
Obviously Sophia was excited to, jumping on Nonno right away!

William quickly assaulted Cousin Luca. Not shown here is the picture where he's ripping Luca's nose off.
Sophia and Max got in on the action of abusing Cousin/Brother Luca!
Many mornings were spent at the club in Stresa Nonna and Nonno belong to, swimming and eating. Sophia and Luca competed to see who could best jump off the side of the pool.
William spent time eating grass and dirt, or sleeping. Not a bad place to take a nap all things considered!
If she wasn't playing in the pool, Sophia and Max spent time on the "beach" area playing in the sand.
William loved getting in the water with his floatie, and Luca loved tugging him around at full speed
Sophia read Zia Micol her books.
Cousin Luca gave some tennis lesson to Sophia and Max
Sophia will soon be a tennis pro!
Many afternoons were spent a great park which was about a 10 minute walk away. The kids had tons of fun, and were never ready to leave.
The springy sea horses were a favorite.
Breaks for snacking and resting were always welcome
Followed by more fun!!
William went on his first slide, which was followed after a few attempts by a face plant onto the floor. That's the scratch visible in some of the future pictures:)
There was often arguing about who would get to ride the stroller. So we compromised.
Sophia laughing hysterically with Cousin Max. These two were pretty much inseparable the whole trip
William is so squirmy Nonno gave him the nickname "anguilla" which means eel in Italian. He's trying to slither away here while Nonna and Nonno grapple him!
I think that's enough photos for one post! We have lots more to share about our day trip to Milan and our day trip to the top of the local mountain, Mottarone. Thanks again to Nonno and Nonna for having us all invade their house! We had a GREAT time, and can't wait to visit again!
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