Only one more month until William is 1! William is very active and into everything. He pulls up on everything and has started moving from the sofa to the coffee table and back. He loves to climb up the fireplace and pull out the gravel inside and when we tell him no he shakes his head and grins. We have given him a bunch of foods with dairy in them and he has been doing great. We haven't tried pure cheese or milk again, so we will test him with that sometime soon. He takes 2 naps each day and drinks about 3 bottles.
This month William said his first word! He loves the Elmo video with the ducks and says quack quack along with them. When we ask him what a duck says, he answers "quack" and is so proud of himself. When you say hi or bye bye, he waves, and sometimes says bye bye back to us. He copies everything we say, so sometimes it's hard to tell if he knows what he is saying or is just repeating us. We can't wait to celebrate his first birthday next month!
Playing in a box
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