Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

8 months old!

Today Sophia turned 8 months old! We have had an exciting and busy past month. The day she turned 7 months, she rolled over (yes, finally!). At the same time, she really became interested in playing with and eating her feet. Her personality has really started to show during this past month. She has become very chatty and makes the sounds ya, da, ba and ha, her favorite being da da da. She loves to laugh when we tickle her or do silly things. She has also realized that she has control over the volume of her voice and sometimes will whisper and other times will yell (she likes to do this out in public!). Sophia loves to play, and likes to drop her toys on the floor so we have to pick them back up for her. She is not yet crawling, but when she tries to go forward to get something, she goes backwards instead! She is also pretty good at rotating herself clockwise to get something that she wants.

This month we introduced Sophia to puffs. For most of the month she would eat them when we fed them to her. But last week she figured out how to pick them up on her own. Now she can't get enough of them! She went through a whole container in a week! She's tried a lot of new foods this month too...apricots, peas, carrots, mangos, barley, spinach, and potatoes. She likes to share my food with me too. At breakfast I'll pinch off a little bite of banana and feed it to her. A few days ago, I held a piece of peach up to her mouth and she loved sucking on it. She has also had little pieces of green bean and pieces of freeze dried pears.

Sharing Mommy's peach

Sophia loves to play with anything that she isn't supposed to have. Two of her favorites are our cell phones and computers. I bought her her own toy cell phone and laptop and she has had lots of fun playing with them. When we take her out to restaurants, her favorite thing to play with is a napkin. She loves to tear it into pieces, and it will keep her entertained for 2o mins!

Happy baby!

Hanging out with Daddy

Tummy time

Sleepover at Nana's house

Friday, February 19, 2010

Vacation in Florida

Last weekend Sophia went on a plane for the first time! We went to Florida to visit Jason's parents (nonna and nonno) and grandparents (Sophia's great grandparents). She was wonderful on the plane both ways. She fell asleep when we were going up, and woke up on the way back down.

Playing with toys before takeoff

Sophia hasn't seen her grandparents since she was about 6 weeks old and you never would have guessed it! She loved playing with them and didn't care if we weren't right there with her. Sophia especially loved her great grandparents dog Chloe. She is a big animal fan, and would get excited every time Chloe came around.

Playing with Nonna and Chloe

Sitting on Chloe!

Having breakfast with Nonno

Sophia also went swimming for the first time in Florida! It was pretty cool there so we warmed up the hot tub and kept her all wrapped up in a towel when we were outside. Sophia loved splashing and took great naps on the days that she swam!

Swimming with Mommy for the first time!

Splashing and getting wet

So excited to go swimming again!

Kisses from Mommy

Sophia misses her nonna, nonno, and great grandparents and can't wait to see them again soon!

Playing with Grandma

Trying to read Pa's newspaper


Sophia would like to say something to everyone in this video:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Trip to the zoo

Yesterday Sophia and Mommy went to the zoo! One of the panda bears, Mei Lan, was leaving to go back to China, so we decided to go see her and say goodbye. It was a beautiful day, and we met Great Aunt Jill, and cousins Madelyn, Ava, and Levi there. First we went to see the panda bears, and Mei Lan was busy eating bamboo!

Mei Lan

Mommy and Sophia in front of Mei Lan

Cousin Levi and Sophia

Cousins Levi, Ava, Madelyn, and Sophia

We also saw gorillas, alligators, turtles, elephants, giraffes, zebras, and many more animals! Sophia liked seeing the animals, but she liked people watching even more. Mommy bought her a little Mei Lan stuffed animal to remember her first trip to the zoo. We got a zoo membership while we were there, so now we can go anytime we want!

The African Safari animals

The gorillas

Playing with her stuffed panda

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fun with feet

Sophia just recently discovered her feet. Well, she has known they were there and would check them out sometimes, but recently she has become especially fond of them. Often times, when trying to roll over, she catches a glimpse of her feet and stops rolling to grab them or eat them. The funny thing is, she typically only goes for her feet without pants on!

Playing with her feet


Chillin' without my pants!