Friday, July 29, 2011

Tot Shabbat at the park

Last weekend our synagogue held it's monthly Tot Shabbat at the park on Saturday morning. We brought our big blanket to sit on and sat in the grass with all the other families while Rabbi Brad sang songs and told a story. Sophia even got up and danced! After saying the Hamotzi, the kids got to eat donut holes instead of challah. That was Sophia's favorite part! She scarfed down 4 of them in about 5 minutes! After the service, we went and played in the park for a little while before heading to lunch with some friends.

Watching Rabbi Brad sing songs

Cheese! With Daddy

Eating her snack and listening to the story

Donut time!

Going for a ride

Swinging with her friend Evan


The Sinai Circus

At Sophia's camp, there is a theme for each week of camp and the last week's was the circus. They do activities and artwork during their days there that have to do with the theme of the week. For circus week, the whole camp puts on a performance at the end of the day on Friday, and parents are invited to come and watch. Each class is a different act in the circus. There are clowns, strong men, tight rope walkers, elephants, etc.

Sophia does not like to dress up and wouldn't wear her costume for the performance. She was a little shy up on the stage, but ended up dancing and having a great time! Her class was the clown group, and they did a freeze dance for the show.

Introducing the clowns! Lily, Sophia, and Chloe

Dancing with Ms. Lora

A big smile because she just spotted Mommy!

Cousin Ben was a strong man. Look at those muscles!

Got her to put her clown collar on at home for a quick picture

Summer time

We have been having a fun and busy summer so far! Here are a few cute pictures from the past couple of weeks I wanted to share!

Eating soba noodles with her chopsticks

Made it!

Sophia's favorite new activity- stickers

Snuggling with Mommy after nap

Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

My beautiful big girl

Saturday, July 2, 2011

First night in a bed!

Last night Sophia spent her first night in a big girl bed! She was so excited about it, and went right to bed! She woke up with a fever so she didn't get the best night's rest, but I'm hoping this will be an easy transition! Until we get the headboard and the rest of the bedding, her mattress is on the ground. More pictures to come when it's finished!

So excited to sleep in her new bed!

Sound asleep and snuggling with Hop

Birthday party at My Gym

Last weekend we celebrated Sophia's birthday (our last celebration of many!) with all of her friends at My Gym. We chose a bunny theme for her party since she is obsessed with her lovey, Hop, and all other things bunny.

Sophia's absolute favorite thing to do these days is jump on the trampoline. She probably spent 75% of her time at the party jumping!

My little jumping bean

There are so many activities for the kids to do at My Gym. Sophia had fun jumping on the trampoline, playing in the balls, doing her warm up during circle time, riding the roller coaster, and many more fun activities!

Singing the welcome song and warming up

Jumping in the balls

Swinging from a trapeze

In one of the special swings

Swinging with her friends
Olivia, Alex, Sophia, and Lily

After playing for a while, everyone gathered around to sing to Sophia and she got to take a special wagon ride around the room. We also attempted to get a group picture of all of the kids, but only managed to get about half of them to sit together.

Riding in the wagon

Holding up her legs because she didn't like the feel of the pom poms

Group photo
Front row: Colin, Brady, Davis, Sophia, Joshua, Olivia
Back row: Lily, Lacey, Chloe

Cake time was of course Sophia's favorite part of the party. We sang happy birthday to Sophia, she helped blow out the candles, and then everyone had some birthday cake, bunny crackers, juice and fruit. After a little more play time, it was time to go home! Everyone got a bunny cookie to take home with them.

The bunny cake

Helping sing to herself

All the kids eating cake

Jumping a little more with Nana

Cookie party favors

When we got home, Sophia was so excited to open all of her presents. She is a pro at unwrapping gifts now, and wanted to play with each toy as soon as it was unwrapped. Now, every time she sees a present, she thinks it's for her!

Opening gifts

Another one!

Snack time with Daddy

We had a great time at Sophia's 2nd birthday party! Thanks to everyone for celebrating with us!

Friday, July 1, 2011

"I'm two!"

Wow, what a wonderful two years it has been. Every day Sophia does something to amaze me. And every day I think how lucky I am to have such a beautiful, funny, smart, silly, loving daughter.

My silly girl

When you ask Sophia how old she is, she can proudly tell you "I'm two!". She has a great vocabulary and is starting to make 4-5 word sentences. She can count to 12 in english and 10 in italian. She understands everything Daddy says to her in italian, and can often answer him back in italian. Sophia knows most of her colors, but sometimes mixes up orange and yellow, as well as red and blue. She loves that her baby brother is in Mommy's tummy, and likes to talk to him and give him kisses before bed every night. When we tell her to tell him goodnight, she gets a big smile on her face because she is going to be silly. What started out as telling him to "eat" (yes, she is Daddy's child) has turned into telling him to "Eat pie today" every night.

Eating cake

Sophia has become a very picky eater lately. One meal she will do amazing and the next meal she will only eat one thing from her plate. But she definitely has some bizarre tastes! What child other than mine doesn't like fresh mozzerella but will eat a whole can of sardines?!? Sophia loves school and her friends, and loves giving people hugs and kisses. She is obsessed with bubbles and can blow them by herself, but has a tantrum when we can't go outside to blow them. She loves singing songs, especially Shabbat music, and every time we get in the car says "Sophia's music please!" over and over until we turn it on. At least she's polite! Every time we go on the highway, Sophia looks for trucks and tells me what color they are. Her favorite is white...probably because there are so many of them.

Messy eater

Sharing with her friend Ava


Blowing bubbles by herself

She has become very independent, always telling us "Sophia do it". She likes to help pull up her pants and thinks she can put her own diaper on. She also insists on buckling her car seat, bike buckle, and booster seat at the table every time. Sophia has gone potty a handful of times, but is now scared to actually go. She knows when she needs to go and will tell me "no pee pee floor" and then "it's ok" when she starts to go in her diaper. She can finally jump, at least on the trampoline. It is now her favorite thing to do. We are still working on jumping on the floor though.

Going for a ride

"Unlocked it!"

Sophia can now sit through a tv show, and her favorite is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She likes to help sing the opening song, and will try to answer their questions they ask. I love watching her do the hot dog dance at the end every time.

2 year stats:
Height: 36 inches- 94%
Weight: 30 lbs- 85%
Head: 47 cm- 37%