Wednesday, June 27, 2012

9 months old

William is 9 months old and into everything!  He is definitely more active than Sophia was at 9 months, and is curious about everything.  I have started calling him my little troublemaker.  He started army crawling halfway through the month and since then there's no stopping him!  He crawls over to boxes and pulls his upper body up to look inside and take things out.  He crawls around the room to get to toys, and even crawls out the door of his room or playroom.  He loves to tear books and paper, play with his toy house, the baby doll strollers, plays with the door stops in every room, as well as the air vents on the wall.  He wants anything that his big sister has.

At the beginning of the month, he started babbling a lot.  He started with dadada and mamama and has added several others since.  He cut his second tooth, and has started having some tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants.  He likes to blow raspberries and click with his tongue and he has a faker cry when he wants attention.

The second half of the month he started having separation anxiety.  He is (finally!) sleeping all the way through the night and he figured out how to clap his hands.  He tried many more foods this month....apricots, pumpkin, lentils, rice, potato, corn, butternut squash, sorbet, asparagus, watermelon, and many more.  We give him some of our dinner every night, as long as it's milk and soy free, and he now prefers finger food to purees.  At the very end of the month we started testing him with yogurt and he seems to be doing well.  Cheese, on the other hand, was a major fail.  We will try again when he is older!

9 month stats:
Height: 29 1/4 in (74%) - time to move him to a bigger car seat!
Weight: 18 lbs 11 oz (21%)

Going for a bike ride

William hanging with the ladies (Addie and Abigail)

Fun in the playroom

William is a ladies man (Eden and William)

Happy boy

Practicing army crawling

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sophia is 3!

Sophia is 3 years old!  She had a wonderful birthday, and the celebrations still aren't over!  The day before her birthday, I brought cupcakes in to her camp to celebrate with the class.  She wore a special birthday crown and everyone sang happy birthday to her.  Aunt Jenn is working there this summer, so she got to join us! 

Mommy and the soon to be birthday girl

With Aunt Jenn

Hanging out with her friends Chloe, Davis, and Lily

When she woke up in the morning on her birthday, Mommy and Daddy came into her room singing happy birthday!  She was so surprised!  

Surprised to see us!



I'm 3! (Actually she said she was 5)

I kept her home from camp so we could have a special day together.  Sophia, William, Nana, and I all went to the mall together.  Our first stop was Build a Bear where Sophia made a very special pink bear.  She helped stuff him, picked out a heart to put inside, gave him a bath, and picked out beautiful purple bows for his ears.  She named him Beary Bear.

Stuffing her bear

Giving Beary Bear a bath

William hanging out with Nana

Giving Beary Bear a hug

Next we all had lunch at the American Girl Cafe.  Sophia was SO excited that her baby doll got to eat with us!  Nana bought baby a beautiful birthday birthday outfit, so we changed her before lunch.  Sophia gave the baby a drink while we waited for our food to come.  Then they sang happy birthday to Sophia! 

Feeding baby

Happy birthday Sophia!

After lunch, we went for a ride on the train and the carousel.  What a busy day!

Getting ready to ride the train around the mall

The carousel was her favorite!

That night, we had cake after dinner and sang happy birthday again! 

Singing to herself

Loving her brother

Mommy love

Daddy love

Sophia's party with all of her friends is on Sunday, so more pictures coming soon!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Connecticut trip for Pa's 90th and Cousin Noah's Bar Mitzvah

A couple weeks ago Daddy and Sophia flew up to Connecticut for a double celebration. Cousin Noah's Bar Mitzvah and Pa's (great grandpa) 90th birthday celebration! Sophia has a ton of fun with all her great grandparents, cousins, aunt, uncle, great aunts and great uncles.

 Sophia with Great grandma

Hanging out with cousin Luca. Sticks and kids always make for fun times.

Feeding the seagulls.
Sophia didn't quite understand why they flew away when she yelled and pointed.

Tante Judi taught Sophia all kinds of girly things. I'm looking forward to the bills for all the makeup she's going to want to play with.
Thanks TJ.

A little for you.....

A lot for me!

 Squeeeeeezing cousin Gabby.

Yummy roast pig for Pa's lunch!

Love you Grandma!

Love you Pa! Happy birthday!

Thanks for having up to visit Grandma and Pa! We're so glad we made it up there for Noah's big party and Grandpa's celebration!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pearlman family beach trip

The week of Memorial Day, we went to Santa Rosa Beach with the Pearlman family.  Sophia was so excited to go to the beach again, and it was William's first visit.  Sophia had a blast jumping in the waves and playing in the sand.  William wasn't a big fan of the beach, but enjoyed relaxing in his float in the pool.  We had many delicious meals cooked by Jason and Chase, and did a lot of art with Sophia in the condo.  I think the most memorable phrase from the week was "Wanna see my room?" 20 times a day by Sophia.  We can't wait for next year!

Nana and William ready for the first day at the beach

Going in the ocean for the first time this year

 Hanging out in his exersaucer

Happy baby

Playing golf with Pop

Relaxing in the pool

In the baby pool at the beach to keep cool

Building sand castles with Daddy

Playing in the sand together

 Group photo

Molinari Family

William in the ocean with Mommy

Sibling love

 Being silly

The kids with Daddy, Aunt Jenn, and Chase

Doing art in the morning

Daddy with his babies

Splashing everyone!