This past month William has become a lot more active. We put the play mat away because he now rolls all over the place. He loves his activity table, and will roll over to it to play. He learned to shake his head no, and copies us when we do it. He started music class, and loves it. He especially loves to eat the instruments. William really likes to sit up and play with toys. We took out a few of Sophia's old toys and he is having a blast! Later in the month, he started throwing things on the ground on purpose...he thinks it's a fun game! At the very end of the month, he started rotating himself, so he can change directions when he is rolling. He also cut his first tooth and got his first haircut!
William got to try a lot of new foods this month. He added peas, cauliflower, carrots, kol rabi, small pieces of blueberry, kiwi, lima beans, pork, small pieces of pizza crust, small pieces of chicken, melon, fish and pasta with tomato sauce. He is eating two meals a day, but we are bumping him up to three next month!
Sophia loves feeding William puffs
A favorite toy
My handsome little man
Making lots of noise
His new trick...the side ciuc!
Loving Aunt Jenn
Have to be fast with pictures! William destroying his 8 month sign!
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