Thursday, September 30, 2010

15 months

The past couple of months have been pretty eventful in the Molinari household. Sophia started school, went on her first trip out of the country, started walking, and learned a lot of new words! Sophia's first steps were in Sardegna when she was about 14 1/2 months old. Nothing we did could convince her to start walking. Sophia is a very stubborn girl, and likes to do things when she feels like doing it. All of the sudden one day, she just stood up and started taking steps! She definitely is not a pro quite yet, but she can now walk most of the way across the room and just a few days ago started to run a little bit! She's still a little unsteady, and has to stop to catch her balance. Nana bought her her first pair of shoes last week and she loves them!

Walking to Pop

Sophia knows a lot of words now, and we love that she is starting to tell us what she wants. At 15 months, some of her words are no, that, hot, mama, dada, mommy, daddy, hop, more, boob, pane, kaka, uhoh, baby, Pop, ball, bye bye, bib, night night, giu' (down in italian), snack and uh oh. She also knows about 8-10 animal sounds and can understand the question "What sound does a xxx make?" in both english and italian. She picks up new words every day!

Sophia loves to imitate everyone and will clap, laugh, and make noises that we make. She always wants our food and drinks, and wants to use our fork to eat. She gets mad if we put the food on the fork for her. She still loves to eat. Her favorites are bread (pane), goldfish, and cheese. She definitely prefers salty over sweet. Sophia has 10 teeth now, the 4 front ones on top and bottom, and her top set of molars.

Making silly faces

One of Sophia's favorite things to do is go to bed! When we ask her if she wants to go night night, she gets a big grin on her face and starts giggling like crazy. She points upstairs and even says night night (ni ni). She loves her bunny and paci so much!

At her 15 month check up, Sophia's stats were:
Height: 31 in. (68%)
Weight: 24lbs 4oz (72%)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sophia's 1st steps and some cute dancing

While we were in Italy Sophia took her first steps unassisted and without holding on to anything. It was really cool! We were able to capture them on video. (actually these were her 2nd set of 1st steps...after i got the camera out!).

She also really enjoyed watching Elmo on the iPad. Her favorite part is a segment with Elmo singing with some ducks. When the ducks say "quack quack quack" Sophia says it as well. She also lets us know that she wants to watch it by going to the iPad and saying "quack quack quack". It's rather funny.

Here she is dancing:

If you can't see these videos, click on the link below to go directly to the blog.

Milan and the duomo

Our last stop on our trip was Milan. In Milan, we went shopping for some Italian books and toys to bring home for Sophia. One night for dinner, Jason and I went out to eat with some of his old friends. We also took a day trip to the center of Milan for some sightseeing. We took the metro into the city and Sophia loved people watching and trying to make new friends. We had lunch, walked around the center, saw the sights, and ate some gelato.

Sophia's first metro ride

The duomo

Spinning on the bull's balls (for good luck)

Worn out! On the way home

After visiting Milan, our two weeks were up and it was time to go home. Thanks nonna and nonno for a wonderful vacation! We miss you and hope to see you soon!

On the plane, ready to go!

Watching elmo

Monday, September 20, 2010


After Gignese, we flew south to Sardegna for a week.

Ready to go!

On the ferry with Daddy

Windblown hair


View of the house from the ferry

We had warm, beautiful weather while we were there. Every morning we'd wake up and walk into town. Our first stop was the cafe where we'd have a cappuccino and pastry for breakfast. Then we'd walk to the fish market where Jason and nonno would pick out the fresh seafood we'd eat for the day. While we were there, we had mussles, calamari, cuttlefish, and lots of different kinds of fish. Mmmm. Then we'd go back to the house for Sophia to nap, or we'd head to the beach!


After: (Sophia ate the whole fish!)

Sophia had a wonderful time at the beach every day. The water in Sardegna is a beautiful bright blue. The water was pretty cold during our visit, so we didn't go in too much. She loved splashing in the water, playing in the sand, and having her snack of focaccia (pane, or as Sophia says, "pa-beh").

Sophia and Daddy climbed up on the rock

One of the beaches

Playing in the sand

Another beautiful beach


Peek a boo!

Watching the seagulls with Daddy. Sophia
thinks they're ducks and says "quack quack."

Splash splash

Getting nonno's nose

After dinner each night, we'd walk into town again...this time for gelato. Sophia usually only wanted a couple of bites, but she absolutely loved eating a cone!

Out for pizza one night

Sophia's pizza

Eating her cone. We strapped it on to the
stroller so she wouldn't drop it.

Sophia learned a lot of new words while we were here, and even started taking some steps! Nonna taught Sophia how to crawl down the stairs backwards too. We had such a fun, relaxing time in Sardegna and hope to go back soon!

Bye bye Sardegna!

Next stop.....Milan!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ciao Italia!

At the beginning of the month, Sophia took her first trip to Italy! We had a long long plane ride with a cranky baby who didn't want to sleep, but when we finally got there we were so excited! Sophia hasn't seen her nonna and nonno in months, and has changed so much since they last visited us. When we arrived in Milan, we went straight up to Gignese. We spent a couple of days there before going Sardegna.

The first day there, we were adjusting to the time change. After everyone took a little nap, we walked around town and went to play at the playground.

Having fun swinging!

Riding the seahorse with Mommy

See saw

The next day we drove to a nearby town for a delicious lunch on the lake. Sophia enjoyed eating outside (especially Daddy's snail dish!) and looking at Lago Maggiore and all of the boats and birds.

Our view from the restaurant

Wearing Mommy's sunglasses

Drinking nonno's beer (obviously it was empty!)

Nonna, Sophia, and Nonno

Mommy and Sophia by the lake

The next day, Sophia got to meet her bisnonna (great grandmother) for the first time! She came up to the house to visit, and we had a nice meal out on the patio.

Clapping with nonno

Daddy, Sophia, and bisnonna

Dov'e' il naso?

Lunch outside

Next stop..... the beach in Sardegna!