Sunday, February 20, 2011

Using Utensils

Sophia has loved using utensils for quite a while now. She's been pretty good at using a fork for a few months, but in the past month has gotten good at using a spoon. She seems to finally understand that if she tips the spoon upside down, the food falls off of it, and keeps it steady to her mouth. Of course, she still can make a mess (and usually does)! When she sees her yogurt coming, she yells out "foon" and often tries to tell me what color it is. Her favorite is "orangish".

Having some yogurt for breakfast (note the bed head)

Here it comes!

Big bite!

Cheese face

Talking to the baby on the container (she likes to
share her yogurt with the baby)

1 comment:

  1. i think my favorite part of this is seeing the pics of her hair! <3
